Saturday 21 June 2008

Brosnan's Beach Karaoke Concerts Pay Off For Mamma Mia!

Pierce Brosnan prepared for his musical role in upcoming summer blockbuster Mamma Mia! by performing to the ocean on the beach near his Kauai, Hawaii retreat. Too nervous to belt out the Abba songs he performs for the film's soundtrack to friends, family and holidaymakers, the former James Bond hit the shore as the waves were crashing around him - with his iPod. He tells U.S. magazine Parade, "I walked up and down the coast and sang karaoke to my own voice for about six weeks." But his beach rehearsals failed to impress when he had to perform in front of producers and castmates for the first time: "I went to New York for the first rehearsals, and I sounded dreadful. I quietly freaked out... and I made a pig's ear of it." But he refused to give up, went back to Hawaii and worked even harder on hitting the high notes. He adds, "In the end they liked it so much they added a verse to my big song."

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